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來源:http://m.cheapsocialhits.com   發(fā)布時間:2021-06-30      

When the enterprise website optimization appears keyword ranking after a period of time, you may find that the page of keyword ranking is not only the home page, but also the column page and article page of the website. So how can we improve the keyword ranking of similar column pages and inner pages when we do daily website SEO optimization?
1. Perfect content
According to the original content of the single page of the ranking, it should be improved. For the article page, the article and product page should be improved. First, the product information should be improved. Second, the product information should be updated. Third, if the single page has updatable content, it should be updated
2. Is the single page TDK perfect
Since it is already a single page ranking, we should pay more attention to the title, description and keyword writing of the page. The title should be concise, highlight the key points of the page, and contain keywords. The description needs more detailed introduction of the article, and the keywords should be rewritten and written.
3. Use inner chain to optimize
Can use the love station 760 ranking query tool, query the website appear the keyword ranking inside page, will rank low inside page active link to the higher ranking of this single page, this single page do not reverse link, so as to improve the single page ranking.
Low ranking inside page to add to optimize the core keywords of a single page
4. Friend chain
If you want to stabilize and improve the ranking position of the inner page, you need to add valuable inner chain and high-quality outer chain to the inner page, so that the ranking can be improved stably
5. Using pictures
Don't use too many and too large pictures, the picture size should be appropriate, the picture should be clear, and the ALT tag should be added on the picture to facilitate the search engine to recognize the content of the picture.
6. Single page code optimization
CSS and JS optimization, as far as possible the use of external import, so that the page code more concise, can use CSS try not to use js, after all, JS is not very friendly for search engines
The above is a small series for you to introduce the site inside the page optimization approach, I hope to help you. More highlights can be directly focused on: http://m.cheapsocialhits.com
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