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來源:http://m.cheapsocialhits.com   發(fā)布時間:2024-05-13      


Diversion short videos refer to users entering the live broadcast room through the short video page, or attracting clicks to enter the live broadcast room through attractive visuals or price discounts, and then placing orders through live content. Conversion is generally guided by the host to improve the conversion efficiency of the live broadcast room by completing short direct resonance.


Short videos import precise traffic into the live broadcast room, and at the same time, live streaming will also bring repeated playback volume to short videos. Through short videos, the audience can plant grass first, and then efficiently receive it through the live broadcast room. The conversion and traffic of short videos have attracted some users, and we can feed back natural traffic through interactive data or conversion data.


1、 The importance of attracting short videos


We all know that Tiktok is essentially a content platform, and good content will have better traffic. We need to focus on the width and depth of the content. Promote conversion effects through precise content flow.



Streaming videos to import high-quality free traffic into the live broadcast room. The natural traffic in live streaming rooms mainly comes from recommendations, followers, and short video traffic. The traffic of short video channels is indispensable. Because live streaming is real-time, short videos can accumulate content assets and have long-term effectiveness, especially popular products that can have long-term sustainable traffic.


2、 The core classification of short video themes


The core of whether all videos can obtain traffic is the completion rate of short videos (3S completion rate+user stay time).


In video categories, videos can be divided into the following three categories.


Tagged videos add tags to accounts, with the aim of increasing their followers. So in the video of the account, the key dimension is to guide users to follow, like, comment, and share actions.


The trailer video is about hanging a yellow car through a short video. By using short videos to promote sales, the videos showcase more of the product's value, guiding users to click and purchase after watching the short videos.


Streaming videos is the traffic generated in transactions, with a focus on the value of live streaming rooms. Entering the live broadcast room through short videos is the goal of attracting videos. By continuously seeding through streaming videos, we aim to increase and expand the traffic in the live broadcast room. The dimensions considered here are mainly based on the number of people entering the live broadcast room, as well as the stay and interaction in the live broadcast room.


3、 The direction of short video topic selection


Before making a short video, we must have a topic and video theme. The topic selection generally revolves around the product and is also the beginning of short video creation.

我們可以借鑒一些主題,比如找到對標賬號,進行自我原創(chuàng)后,不斷地去沉淀粉絲目標人群號。或是通過短視頻的內(nèi)容沉淀,分析用戶喜好后獨立創(chuàng)新一些新的內(nèi)容,不斷地超越,讓賬號或者內(nèi)容可持續(xù)地發(fā)展。但是選題一定是要滿足以下 4 個維度。

We can draw inspiration from some themes, such as finding benchmark accounts, creating self original content, and continuously cultivating fan target audience accounts. Or it can be achieved through the accumulation of short video content, analyzing user preferences, and independently innovating new content, constantly surpassing and allowing the account or content to sustainably develop. But the topic selection must meet the following four dimensions.


#Why choose a short video topic?

70% 選題, 30% 文案,只有在選題上先做好方向后再去做文案包裝的整體內(nèi)容。

70% of the topics are chosen, 30% are copywriting, and only by focusing on the direction of the topic can we proceed with the overall content of the copywriting packaging.


The topic selection should conform to the Tiktok specification; The second issue is whether the theme aligns with some recent hot topics, which can help the video gain better exposure; Finally, excellent topic selection can provide us with: value transmission, strengthened persona, and user stickiness.

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