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來源:http://m.cheapsocialhits.com   發(fā)布時間:2024-09-17      

1. 網(wǎng)站內(nèi)容是最重要的核心價值網(wǎng)站最重要的不是視覺,也不是架構,而是內(nèi)容。網(wǎng)站建設公司對于內(nèi)容的掌握程度和素材的制作能力是影響整體效果的關鍵。好的網(wǎng)站能夠通過內(nèi)容說服陌生客戶購買,通常是因為內(nèi)容的力量,而不是花俏的動畫和視覺設計。例如,網(wǎng)站內(nèi)容表達必須明確,內(nèi)容要包含示意圖、流程圖、比較表、統(tǒng)計表等,產(chǎn)品描述必須詳細易懂,需要突顯企業(yè)的服務優(yōu)勢,內(nèi)容設計必須吸引客戶的注意力,自我闡述為什么要購買我們的產(chǎn)品和服務,使用影音介紹服務,以及展示當前的優(yōu)惠活動等。定制針對目標受眾的內(nèi)容可以解決客戶問題,引起客戶共鳴,網(wǎng)站內(nèi)容是轉化的重要要素之一。

1. Website content is the most important core value. The most important aspect of a website is not its visual or architectural design, but its content. The level of content mastery and material production ability of website construction companies are key factors affecting the overall effect. A good website can persuade unfamiliar customers to purchase through its content, usually because of the power of the content, rather than fancy animations and visual design. For example, website content expression must be clear, including diagrams, flowcharts, comparison tables, statistical tables, etc. Product descriptions must be detailed and easy to understand, highlighting the service advantages of the enterprise. Content design must attract customers' attention, self explain why they want to purchase our products and services, use audio-visual introductions to introduce services, and display current promotional activities. Customizing content targeted at the target audience can solve customer problems, resonate with customers, and website content is one of the important elements for conversion.

2. 高排名的網(wǎng)站架構"內(nèi)容為王,架構為后",網(wǎng)站建設除了內(nèi)容以外,最重要的就是高排名的網(wǎng)站架構。SEO是帶來最大流量的網(wǎng)絡營銷方式,有著良好的架構才能有好的SEO排名。網(wǎng)站建好之后再優(yōu)化架構幾乎來不及,最好是一開始就找懂SEO的網(wǎng)站建設公司來設計網(wǎng)站。這樣不僅可以節(jié)省溝通時間和制作成本,還可以確保架構的質量。如果架構沒做好,就無法被搜索引擎收錄。沒有被收錄的網(wǎng)站,SEO營銷就是零分,轉化機會也會大大減少。

2. The architecture of high ranking websites follows the principle of "content is king, architecture comes last". Apart from content, the most important aspect of website construction is the architecture of high ranking websites. SEO is the online marketing method that brings the maximum traffic, and having a good architecture is essential for achieving good SEO rankings. After the website is built, it is almost impossible to optimize the architecture. It is best to find a website construction company that understands SEO from the beginning to design the website. This not only saves communication time and production costs, but also ensures the quality of the architecture. If the architecture is not done well, it cannot be indexed by search engines. Websites that are not indexed will receive zero points in SEO marketing, and their conversion opportunities will be greatly reduced.


3. 視覺設計是網(wǎng)站的第一印象網(wǎng)站的視覺設計是訪問者第一眼的印象,也是影響他們是否停留的重要因素。因此,網(wǎng)站版型設計必須簡單易懂,資訊架構安排也要清晰明了,不能讓用戶在網(wǎng)站里迷路。視覺設計必須協(xié)調(diào),尤其是顏色、對比、平衡和邏輯。視覺化設計可以提升內(nèi)容的可讀性,過多的設計和動畫是不必要的。搜索引擎也明確定義了不建議使用的網(wǎng)站建設,例如文件過大的動畫和圖片、沒有壓縮的圖片和代碼、過小的文字和間距等。優(yōu)質的網(wǎng)站視覺設計可以留住訪客,留住訪客才有機會轉化訂單和增加詢問。

Visual design is the first impression of a website, and it is also an important factor that affects whether visitors stay or not. Therefore, the website layout design must be simple and easy to understand, and the information architecture arrangement must also be clear and concise, so as not to let users get lost in the website. Visual design must be coordinated, especially in terms of color, contrast, balance, and logic. Visual design can enhance the readability of content, and excessive design and animation are unnecessary. Search engines also clearly define website constructions that are not recommended, such as animations and images with excessively large files, uncompressed images and code, and text and spacing that are too small. High quality website visual design can retain visitors, who have the opportunity to convert orders and increase inquiries.

4. 使用者體驗讓網(wǎng)站非常順手擁有優(yōu)質的內(nèi)容、高排名的架構和美好的視覺之后,接下來就是提升使用者體驗。使用者體驗是網(wǎng)站設計的重要細節(jié),它會影響訪客在網(wǎng)站上的體驗感受。例如,習慣的功能位置、清晰明了的在線客服按鈕、明顯的呼叫行動鏈接、良好的瀏覽路徑、明確的網(wǎng)站信息架構、清晰的導航欄、完整的聯(lián)系信息和網(wǎng)站地圖等。優(yōu)化每個環(huán)節(jié)的使用者體驗,都能幫助客戶在瀏覽網(wǎng)站的過程中得到最佳體驗,同時也會影響轉化率。

4. User experience makes the website very user-friendly. After having high-quality content, high ranking architecture, and beautiful visuals, the next step is to enhance the user experience. User experience is an important detail in website design, which can affect visitors' experience and feelings on the website. For example, habitual functional locations, clear online customer service buttons, obvious call action links, good browsing paths, clear website information architecture, clear navigation bars, complete contact information, and website maps. Optimizing the user experience at every stage can help customers get the best experience while browsing the website, while also affecting conversion rates.

5. 建立網(wǎng)站數(shù)據(jù)系統(tǒng)以進行精確分析在完成內(nèi)容、架構、視覺和使用者體驗之后,你知道當前的轉化效果數(shù)據(jù)嗎?為了準確掌握網(wǎng)站數(shù)據(jù),網(wǎng)站必須安裝數(shù)據(jù)系統(tǒng)和使用者足跡系統(tǒng)。比如,百度統(tǒng)計就是一個很好的數(shù)據(jù)工具。建立各種數(shù)據(jù)分析和網(wǎng)站事件之后,我們就可以了解客戶的網(wǎng)頁參與率、受歡迎的內(nèi)容、客戶點擊的鏈接、瀏覽路徑、到達頁面的流量等。從這些數(shù)據(jù)中尋找線索,結合網(wǎng)站建設和數(shù)據(jù)分析,才能有效提升轉化率。

5. Establish a website data system for precise analysis. After completing the content, architecture, visual, and user experience, do you know the current conversion performance data? In order to accurately grasp website data, the website must install a data system and a user footprint system. For example, Baidu Analytics is a great data tool. After establishing various data analyses and website events, we can understand the customer's webpage engagement rate, popular content, links clicked by customers, browsing paths, traffic to the page, and more. Finding clues from these data, combined with website construction and data analysis, can effectively improve conversion rates.

6. 使用高效的內(nèi)容管理系統(tǒng)讓管理更加方便無論是內(nèi)容、網(wǎng)站架構、視覺設計還是使用者體驗,都需要一個高效的內(nèi)容管理系統(tǒng)(CMS)來快速簡單地管理網(wǎng)站內(nèi)容。雖然它不直接影響轉化率,但是擁有高效的CMS可以節(jié)省很多編輯時間,同時也減少與網(wǎng)站建設公司的溝通和修改時間。CMS可以讓你快速更新信息、建立SEO結構數(shù)據(jù)、快速更換設計圖表、調(diào)整使用者體驗元素、建立第三方代碼、建立自動翻譯、接入搜索引擎評論、接入Line機器人消息等。工作順暢,轉化也會順暢進行。

6. Using an efficient content management system makes management more convenient. Whether it's content, website architecture, visual design, or user experience, an efficient content management system (CMS) is needed to quickly and easily manage website content. Although it does not directly affect conversion rates, having an efficient CMS can save a lot of editing time and also reduce communication and modification time with website construction companies. CMS allows you to quickly update information, establish SEO structure data, quickly replace design charts, adjust user experience elements, create third-party code, create automatic translation, access search engine comments, access Line bot messages, and more. Work smoothly, and conversion will also proceed smoothly.

7. 設計網(wǎng)站的營銷漏斗非常重要網(wǎng)站設計不僅僅是把內(nèi)容制作成網(wǎng)站,如果想要實現(xiàn)良好的轉化,就需要設計一個屬于網(wǎng)站的營銷漏斗。從吸引客戶進入網(wǎng)站的各種營銷方式開始,然后設計內(nèi)容引起他們的共鳴,進而考慮購買。設計呼叫行動,使他們下單。整個過程就是一個網(wǎng)站的營銷漏斗。如果每個環(huán)節(jié)都做得不好,就會前功盡棄。例如,忘記放置呼吁客戶下單的CTA(呼叫行動)按鈕,優(yōu)惠活動信息不明顯,產(chǎn)品介紹流于形式?jīng)]有說服力,沒有放置能夠提升認同的商品評論等。營銷漏斗需要與網(wǎng)站建設和數(shù)據(jù)分析相結合,不斷調(diào)整,才能有效提升轉化率。

7. Designing a marketing funnel for a website is very important. Website design is not just about making content into a website. If you want to achieve good conversion, you need to design a marketing funnel that belongs to the website. Starting with various marketing methods to attract customers to the website, then designing content to resonate with them, and finally considering purchasing. Design call actions to make them place orders. The entire process is like a marketing funnel for a website. If every aspect is not done well, all previous efforts will be in vain. For example, forgetting to place the CTA (Call to Action) button that calls on customers to place orders, unclear promotional information, product introductions that are superficial and lack persuasiveness, and not placing product reviews that can enhance recognition. The marketing funnel needs to be combined with website construction and data analysis, constantly adjusted, in order to effectively improve conversion rates.

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